What are you longing for? Hunting your dreams; books to fill the gap; protection around the corner; bohemian perspective?
Hunt YOUR dreams!
These personal dream catchers were a holiday project of the family. Each person can make his or her own. Granny’s and great grandma’s old crochet pieces came in handy for some “anchoring”. Cheaper hessian rope and sisal twine were used to cover the hoop and to attach the crochet work of grandma to the hoop in the middle or upper or side part of the hoop as was preferred by the specific dreamer.
I bought each person’s favorite color combination of strings and ribbons at the local fabric store. Then everybody was free to design and play according to their liking.
To make it personal and local a few (artificial) things were added to the traditional Native American dream catcher practice. Things like small sea shells, wooden branch pieces, lose feathers gathered in the garden, big pressed leaves, etc. were attached to the individual dream catchers. The idea was to make it personal and use as far as possible what we had at hand during the seaside holiday. An extra small (light-weight) glass container (from the local craft shops) and color feathers (party shops) were added to the strings. This was filled with a relevant quote from books on dreams and two specific dream “tasks” related to the life of the specific family member.
Books to fill the gap
Contrary to the understanding of the generation born after 2000 there was a time before the internet when the inquisitive mind checked for information and gained new information in encyclopedias such as Kennis, Encyclopaedia Britannica, etc. Although outdated it feels criminal to just throw these (Google predecessors) books in the dustbin and our books now function as pedestals for the Perspex strip that we use in the narrow corridor as show piece for things dear to our hearts.
Protection around the corner
The plaster corners of this arch in a busy part of our corridor to the kitchen were often splintered/ chipped and although I just love the new prints on tiles (Moroccan print tiles etc.) it was not on my budget list, but plan B turned out just fine!
I bought four small aluminium corner strips, cut them to size of the arch and painted them in the color of the corridor. Then I fixed the cheaper plastic tiles (available from craft shops) on the wall and covered the plaster corners with the painted aluminium corners by using silicon. The result is not just beautiful but also protects the plaster corners from chipping.
Bohemian view
After a trip overseas and a drink with friends in a few Bohemian-look bars in Poland I was again enticed with the warmth of the rich colors. These colors were already part of my dining room, but something was missing.
I have printed this typical stained glass google image on vinyl to fit the size of the middle pain of the window previously, but the window sill in the inside was white, outdated and just ugly. One has to be practical sometimes because this is our dining room and not a Bohemian bar!
The extra purple flannel material I bought to cover the dining room chairs and some red tassels (of old curtains) turned out handy to make a window sill runner to enhance the rich color scheme and look of the dining room.
My collection of poetry bundles and a few candle holders now cover the previous ugly burglar bars and ads to this dining room’s new and almost warm Bohemian feeling.